The working group on data for services, trade, and development policies has been established following the recommendations of the 9th Multi-Year Expert Meeting (MYEM) on Trade, Services and Development, held in July 2022. It aims to provide concrete and substantive inputs to this MYEM series, which examines the role of services trade in economic diversification. Specifically, the working group aims to identify services trade data gaps, share good practice examples of data collection, identify data sources, and showcase innovative ways to use existing data.
The objective of the fourth meeting is 1) to continue sharing best practices and experiences in data collection and use for trade-in services and 2) to present and discuss the preliminary draft of the Working Group's report.
The working group meeting is open to producers and users of statistics including, inter alia, representatives from ministries (e.g., finance, trade, economics), national statistical offices, central banks, international organisations, academia and civil society organizations.
Trade agreements Trade analysisEvent
- First meeting of the informal working group in data for services, trade and development policies
- Second meeting of the informal working group in data for services, trade and development policies
- Third meeting of the informal working group in data for services, trade and development policies
Dong Wu
Chief, Trade in Services and Development Section
Division on International Trade and Commodities
Zenathan Hasannudin
Economic Affairs Officer, Trade In Services and Development Section
Division on International Trade and Commodities