G-NEXID Workshop on Recent trends in trade and infrastructure, and its implications for South-South Cooperation

28 March 2014
Room XXV, Palais des Nations (by invitation only)
, Switzerland

UNCTAD is currently involved in one of the major forward-looking development - oriented initiatives: the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which should frame UNCTAD work for the following years. The new framework aims at promoting sustainable development for all beyond 2015, building on achievements to date and addressing new challenges arising from an evolving and complex landscape. One of the major issues arising from this new context is the urgent need for resource mobilisation for trade finance as well as financing of infrastructure, services, etc.

The implementation and scaling up of financing for development should therefore be an integral part of this debate, as it is a key catalyst for the development progress post-2015. Moreover, financial support can take various modalities which are familiar to Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and Eximbanks.

The G-NEXID Workshop will represent a unique occasion to discuss issues related to the current trade environment and how trade and infrastructure finance can contribute to improve South-South trade flows. Such cooperative endeavours should help to reduce the costs associated with cross-border trade and investment flows.

The celebration of UNCTAD's 50th Anniversary (June, 2014) will be another occasion to showcase the potential of G-NEXID.

The Network has been playing a unique role in furthering cooperation among South-South partners. With the Foreign Trade Bank of Latin America (BLADEX), leading the Network, under the Presidency of Rubens Amaral, G-NEXID is transmitting the world a renewed discussion on how Eximbanks and DFIs are addressing the current issues of the international trading system.

Purpose of event/intended outcome

The uniqueness of G-NEXID is reflected in the contents of the forthcoming technical meeting which will address provocative issues such as:

  • Recent trends in international trade.
  • South-South trade and infrastructure financing.
  • Trends of trade flows data.
  • Islamic Finance and Trade.
  • The challenges of infrastructure finance needs and the role of Multilateral Development Banks.
  • Short Term Trade Finance: lessons from the private sector and cross fertilization between Eximbanks and Commercial banks.
  • Supply Chain finance program and SMEs finance.
  • New trends in trade finance products and the integration of SMEs in trade value chains.
  • Trade and supply finance and Bank Payment Obligations.
  • Export financing mechanisms.
  • The regulatory environment and its implication for Trade Finance: BASEL III, and the Bali Package and its implication for Eximbanks and DFIs.

In this connexion, UNCTAD has been surveying ways to strengthen the role of Eximbanks and DFIs, covering all regions, which will contribute and be enriched by discussions at the Technical Meeting.

Intended participants/target audience

The above issues will be presented by experts and practitioners from national, regional and international institutions, and the private sector. Participants from DFIs and Eximbanks include, the African Export Import Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), BLADEX, the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), the Eastern and Southern African Development (PTA Bank), the Eximbank of INDIA, the Eximbank of Indonesia, the Zambia Development Bank, the Saudi Export Programme. Participants from other organizations and specialized agencies include: ITC, WTO, ICC.

UNCTAD, G-NEXID and the Foreign Trade Bank of Latin America BLADEX
Sponsor / funding:

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Pierre Dulin
Ms. Djeneba Ouadeba
Coordination office
Ana María Alvarez