GLOBAL COMPAL Annual Conference: launch of the new regional programme for Latin America

05 - 06 March 2015
Hotel Atton, San Isidro
, Peru

The GLOBAL COMPAL Annual Conference will officially close the second phase of COMPAL and launch the new regional programme for Latin America: the COMPAL III.  (see detailed agenda enclosed)
The two-day meeting will bring together the heads of agency of the 15 members of COMPAL in Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay.
In addition, members of the recently launched COMPAL-MENA programme will be taking part in the conference namely Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen. The COMPAL MENA programme of UNCTAD is supported by the Swedish Government (S.I.D.A).
After two successful phases of SECO’s support for COMPAL in Latin America, COMPAL III now seeks to establish a self-sustained programme that will function beyond 2018, when SECO’s support to the programme will be concluded. For this purpose, COMPAL III will focus on two strategies of intervention: Consolidation of the acquired capacities and deepening of regional cooperation; and support and compliance with competition and consumer protection rules by the private sector.
The programme will last for three years and will be implemented by UNCTAD in close cooperation with the relevant national institutions of the COMPAL members. These are directly involved in the implementation of the programme through shared management-structures with UNCTAD. The programme will intervene at the national as well as at the regional level. In this last phase, COMPAL will particularly focus on activities at the regional level with the objective of strengthening the achievements at the national level through a strong regional underpinning. In this regard, Colombia and Peru will assume an important leadership role in order to reinforce the regional COMPAL structure.
The overall goal of COMPAL is to promote sustainable competition and consumer protection systems by strengthening the relevant institutions and fostering a better understanding of the benefits of competition

UNCTAD is pleased to welcome the important delegation of SECO (Switzerland), which will be represented in the Conference as the donor of COMPAL III.

UNCTAD experts:
·   Ambassador Guillermo Valles, Director of the Division of International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities
·   Mr. Juan Luis Crucelegui, Chief Capacity Building and Advisory Services Section Officer of the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
·   Mr. Pierre Horna, COMPAL Global Coordinator of the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
·   Mrs. Julieta Coca, COMPAL-MENA Project Officer of the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
GAE Members:

  • Mr. Ricardo Maguiña, Ex-Technical Secretary of Consumer Protection at the Peruvian Consumer Protection Authority (INDECOPI)
  • Mr. Edgar Odio, Ex-Commissioner of the Costa Rican Competition Authority (COPROCOM)
  • Mr. Santiago Roca, Ex-President of the Board of Directors of the Peruvian Competition and Consumer Protection Authority (INDECOPI)
  • Mrs. Pamela Sittenfeld, Ex-Executive Director of the Costa Rican Competition Authority (COPROCOM), Ex-Member of the Board of Directors of the Regulatory Authority of Public Services (ARESEP) and Ex-Member of the National Counsel for the Supervision of the Financial System (CONASSIF).
  • Mr. Gustavo Valbuena, Ex-Head of the Colombian Competition and Consumer Protection Authority (SIC)

Main Participants:
All members of COMPAL Latin America (15 countries)
Participants from the COMPAL MENA Region
Switzerland (SECO)
Spain (Consumer Protection Authority)

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05 Mar 2015
Peruvian Competition and Consumer Protection Authority (INDECOPI)
Sponsor / funding:
Peruvian Competition and Consumer Protection Authority (INDECOPI) and the COMPAL MENA Programme of UNCTAD

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Pierre Horna
T: +41 225480728
M: +41 787371215