Growing Global: Online Consumer Trust

19 April 2018
03:15 - 04:45 hrs. Room XXV
, Switzerland

​Across all channels, trust is essential for consumers. This is even more true in e-commerce, particularly amongst countries who are still developing their infrastructure to suit a digitalized society. Generating trust in online shoppers is not easy, particularly SMEs, as some studies have estimated that 50% of the global population with internet access does not yet shop online due to lack of trust.
Although larger brands and market places benefit from a well-known global reputation, SMEs hoping to gain consumer trust, both domestically and across the border, continue to struggle with this massive challenge.
The session is divided into two parts:
• in the first half of the session, Sara Lone, Research Coordinator at the Ecommerce Foundation, will present on the main factors influencing online consumer trust and give recommendations for how SMEs can build global trust in a more effective way.
• in the second half, Jorij Abraham, General Manager at the Ecommerce Foundation, will lead a panel discussion held with representatives from Europe, Africa, Asia and America(s) to discuss concrete actions on how merchants can be supported in building online trust, both within their own country as well as across the globe.

Mr. Jorij Abraham, General Manager, Ecommerce Foundation

Ms. Sara Lone, Research Coordinator, Ecommerce Foundation
Mr. Igor Subow, Chairman, Russian Distance Selling Association (NAMO)
Ms. Annegret Mayer, Trustmark Coordinator, Ecommerce Europe
Mr. Mohammad Sahab Uddin, Director, Bangladesh Ecommerce Association
Mr. Ibrahima Nour Eddine Diagne, Chair African Performance Institute Managing Director GAINDE 2000

Ecommerce Foundation

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