21 July 2016
06:00 - 07:30 hrs. Intercontinental Hotel
, Kenya
The “blue economy” is evolving as the new frontier for economic growth, with
great promise for new wealth, job opportunities, innovation and competitive
advantage. Beyond the traditional maritime industrial landscape dominated by
shipping and fishing, emerging industries such as oil and gas, offshore
aquaculture, wind, tidal and wave energy, maritime tourism, and marine
biotechnology, all powered by technological advances and innovation, require
new forms of international policy and cooperation.
The ever increasing human and climate change induced changes which are impacting ocean health
need to be addressed as sea level and temperature rises result in loss of biodiversity and habitat,
overfishing and pollution.
This side event will discuss blue economy initiatives as they relate to trade and investments and how
they reinforce the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Panelists will offer national,
regional and international perspectives of the current state of play, key drivers, development pathways
and challenges of blue economy initiatives.
ACP Secretariat
English |
Bonapas ONGUGLO, Head of Branch a.i.
Trade, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch
Trade, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch