High-level discussion: Now or never - A transformative adaptation agenda

High-level discussion: Now or never - A transformative adaptation agenda
13 April 2022
15:00 - 16:30 hrs.

Part II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report is unequivocal: incremental efforts are no match for the global adaptation challenge. Transformational change is necessary in every region to safeguard humanity’s future, but unevenly distributed impacts and widening global inequality mean that developing countries are at a very different starting point.

Resilience and adaptation are expected to be at the core of climate negotiations at COP27 in Egypt. As the most recent Trade and Development Report from UNCTAD explains, a transformative approach to climate adaptation would stimulate low-carbon structural transformation through large-scale public investment programmes and green industrial policies. Achieving this, however, depends on dedicated and effective multilateral support to enable developing countries to manage the pressures from a changing climate without compromising their development goals.

Join us for this high-level discussion where we will explore policy proposals for a development-centred adaptation approach and opportunities in 2022 to secure progress. 


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