High-level Luncheon on the Creative Economy and the Future of Work

20 May 2019
Private Dining Room 6, Fourth Floor, United Nations Headquarters
New York
, United States of America


This working luncheon is convened by the President of the seventy-third session of the United Nations General Assembly on the occasion of the High-level Event on Culture and Sustainable Development, held in accordance with General Assembly Resolution 72/229.
The objective of the luncheon is to provide a platform to exchange good practices and identify opportunities for the creative economy to support the acceleration of progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: harnessing the potential of culture specifically for progress on Sustainable Development Goal 8: “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.”
Guiding Questions
1. How has the creative economy provided meaningful, decent work opportunities?
2. How can creative industries support inclusive growth, particularly for women, youth, and indigenous populations?
3. How might policymakers use the potential of the creative economy to support the future of work in an increasingly automated world? What provisions might be needed to support social protection for those in the sector?
The luncheon will take place in the form of an intimate, interactive roundtable with twenty high-level participants. There will be no pre-set list of speakers, and participants will be invited to share their experiences and concrete suggestions on the creative economy and the future of work. Lunch will be served. The meeting will be conducted in English, and invitees may be accompanied by interpreters if necessary (no other +1s are expected).



English  |    


Ms. Marisa Henderson
Ms. Carolina Quintana