High-level Panel Discussion: South–South Digital Cooperation for Industrialization - A pre-event to BAPA+40 Conference

01 October 2018
03:00 - 05:00 hrs. 13:00-15:00 hrs., Room VII, A Building, Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

The High-level Panel Discussion is a pre-event to the Second High-level United Nations Conference on South South Cooperation (BAPA+40), which will take plae in Buenos aires, Argentina from 20-22 march 2019.


The main purpose of the high-level panel event is to provide a platform to raise awareness of the implications of Industry 4.0 for the industrialization and trade competitiveness of developing countries and discuss how South–South digital cooperation can provide a way forward for developing countries, which have low digital capacities and lack digital infrastructure.

These countries, especially small developing countries and the least developed countries, are in danger of being left behind in the digital revolution, thereby making it difficult for them to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The panel will discuss how South–South digital cooperation at the regional level can help countries to advance digitally and what the main components of such a regional digital cooperation agenda could be.


The event will bring together high-level officials from diverse areas and organizations, including representatives of member States, industry, civil society organizations, the United Nations system, international partners and academia, as well as members of the media.

It will be held in English.


  • H.E Mr. Xavier Carim, Ambassador, South Africa Permanent Mission to the WTO, Geneva

  • H.E. Mr. J.S. Deepak, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of India to the WTO, Geneva

  • H.E. Dr. Mustafa Osman Ismail Elamin, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Republic of Sudan to the United Nations Office, Geneva

  • H.E. Mr. Diego Aulestia Valencia, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the WTO, Geneva

  • Mr. Carlos Correa, Executive Director, South Centre, Geneva

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18 Sep 2018
South Center
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South-South cooperation South-South cooperation


Ms. Rashmi Banga
Senior Economic Affairs Officer
Economic Cooperation and Integration among Developing Countries/GDS/UNCTAD
E-mail: Tel.:    (+41)  22 917 3863