The event will discuss and validate the policy implications of the findings and conclusions of the National Productive Capacities Gap Assessment (NPCGA) of Malawi, based on the assessment utilizing the Productive Capacities Index (PCI). It will examine binding constraints and related challenges to development in the relevant economic sectors. The workshop will discuss the policy recommendations enclosed in the NPCGA for the purpose of building productive capacities, advancing structural transformation and ensuring economic diversification.
High-level participants will also validate the content of the proposed Holistic Productive Capacities Development Programme (HPCP) of Malawi. The HPCDP proposes pillar interventions to build domestic, economy-wide productive capacities in Malawi, and discuss the role of responsible State institutions and development partners pertaining to Holistic Programme’s implementation.
Africa Landlocked developing countriesProgramme
Mr. Mussie Delelegn
Acting Head
Productive Capacities and Sustainable Development Development Branch