Implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement in Ghana: Identifying implementation roles and priorities

03 - 04 February 2016
Marjorie Hotel
, Ghana

​This will be the first event in Ghana organized within the framework of the UK-funded project  to assist in the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, in close cooperation with the World Customs Organization. The event will address the National Road Transport and Transit Facilitation Committee (NRTTFC), as well as other stakeholders. The objectives are to:

  • Inform and raise awareness of members of the NRTTFC as well as other local stakeholders about the joint HMRC/WCO/UNCTAD capacity building program;
  • Establish a mapping of key trade facilitation stakeholders in Ghana;
  • Deliver a tailor-made awareness raising workshop on WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) to members of the NRTTFC and other relevant stakeholders ;
  • Identify and define the role of the NRTTFC in the implementation of the WTO TFA;
  • Ensure coordination among development partners and trade facilitation stakeholders for future engagement in Ghana.


Word Customs Organization and National Road Transport and Transit Facilitation Committee
Sponsor / funding:
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC)

English  |    


Alexandre Larouche-Maltais
Trade Facilitation Section/Trade Logistics Branch
T. +41 22 917 2518