The Kenya E-Commerce Committee Sensitization Workshop is being organized jointly by UNCTAD and the Government of Kenya, following the official launch of Kenya’s National E-commerce Strategy (ECS) on the 13 of December.
The workshop is organized as part of UNCTAD’s follow-up implementation assistance and will target the members of Kenya National E-Commerce Committee, a cornerstone of the ECS implementation governance.
The objective of the workshop is to sensitize key stakeholders on the importance of empowering such committee and to explore the functionalities of UNCTAD’s eTrade Reform Tracker, a web-based tool recently designed to support national e-commerce committees or equivalent bodies in coordinating the implementation process of eTrade reforms.
Funding for the workshop is provided by UNCTAD’s E-commerce and Digital Economy Programme Core Donors (Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and The Netherlands).


Alessandro Vitale, Programme Management Officer, Digital Economy Capacity Building Section, E-commerce and Digital Economy (ECDE) Branch, UNCTAD,