Latin American Seminar on Sustainable use of Medical Plants and BioTrade

26 - 28 October 2009
Panama City
, Panama

​UNCTAD BioTrade participated in the event "Plantas Medicinales: Biocomercio y Desarrollo Sostenible" (English: Medicinal plants: BioTrade and Sustainable Development). This event was organized by the Organization of American States (OAS) and the University of Panama/Pharmacy Faculty/Centro de Investigaciones Farmacognósticas de la Flora Panameña (CIFLORPAN).

The event shared successful projects working with medicinal plants from Latin America, with the aim to develop new phyto-therapeutic products, as a way to foster the development of human resources at the regional level for an integral development focused in BioTrade. Representatives from over ten Latin American Countries participated, coming from the government, private and academic sectors.

UNCTAD's participation included not only the presentation of the BioTrade value chain methodology and different case studies, but also facilitated working groups in carrying out a value chain analysis involving medicinal plants.

This event was organized in the framework of the OAS/University of Panama project “Aprovechamiento de Biodiversidad Panameña a través de Bioprospección y Biocomercio” (English: Use of Panamanian Biodiversity through Bioprospecting and BioTrade).

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