The Competition and Consumer Protection Policies Branch of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD CCPB) is taking part in the UN COVID-19 Response portfolio which aims to assist Governments and entrepreneurs under the project "Global Initiative Towards Post COVID: Resurgence of MSMEs" (Competition Policy Component; Access to Market Cluster).
Within this portfolio, UNCTAD CCPB has carried out several activities since 2020. Currently, UNCTAD CCPB is finalising Phase 2 of the project which comprises of (i) national studies on the impact of COVID-19 on MSMEs in Thailand, Brazil and South Africa and (ii) regional policy dialogues with policymakers in the five regional economic commissions on the interface between MSMEs and Competition policy and how to support MSMEs in their recovery post COVID crisis.
On 18 June 2021, UNCTAD CCPB is planning a presentation of the activities planned under Phase 3 inviting all the stakeholders who participated actively under the previous phases of this project at a webinar entitled "Launch Event: Presentation of Phase III Activities DA COVID-19 Technical Cooperation Project on Competition Policy & MSMEs' resurgence". This event will be attended by SME agency representatives and Competition Authorities officials from the five regions of the Regional Economic Commissions (ESCWA, ECE, ESCAP, ESCWA and ECA).
For the global event, simultaneous interpretation in the 6 UN official languages will be provided to all participants.
Competition and consumer protectionProject
Mr. Pierre Horna -
Ms. Elizabeth Gachuiri -