Launch of the project on technology assessment in the energy and agricultural sectors in Africa to accelerate progress on science, technology, and innovation

Launch of the project on technology assessment in the energy and agricultural sectors in Africa to accelerate progress on science, technology, and innovation
10 December 2020
10:00 - 11:30 hrs. (Pretoria time)
, South Africa

The session, as part of Science Forum South Africa 2020, will launch the Technology Assessment project with the objective of strengthening capacities of national Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policymakers and other stakeholders in selected developing countries in Africa in designing and implementing policies that support the learning, diffusion and adoption of technologies in the energy and agricultural sectors and help build resilience to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and future health emergencies. The project will support STI policy makers and other stakeholders in target countries in Africa to design and implement a technology assessment exercise in the energy and agricultural sectors, and to take action to utilize technologies as catalysts for sustainable development. Enhanced capacity would be demonstrated by having identified and characterized the relevant technological trends and associated socio-economic and environmental implications in the area of energy and/or agriculture, as well as having an action plan for these technological sectors in each target country defined and adopted by various stakeholders. UNCTAD will serve as the lead entity involved in project implementation with substantive and logistical support from UNEP, FAO, UNECA, and UNDP. The project will commence in early 2021.

Moderator: Mr. Angel Gonzalez-Sanz, Chief, Science, Technology and ICT Branch, Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD

  1. Opening remarks:

         Ms. Shamika N. Sirimanne, Director, Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD (5mins)

  1. Remarks by representatives of project countries (10mins each/ 30 mins in total)

        Dr António Alcochete, Director of Science and Research, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESCTI), Angola

        Ms Mmampei Chaba, Chief Director: Multilateral Cooperation and Africa, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa

        Mr Chongo John Lukonde, Assistant Director, Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Higher Education, Zambia           

  1. Presentation on technology assessment cases by international experts (15mins each/ 30mins total)

         Prof. John Ouma Mugabe, University of Pretoria

         Dr. Miltos Ladikas, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

  1. Presentation of the project and proposed implementation by UNCTAD (10 mins)

         Mr. Bob Bell, Economic Affairs Officer, Science and Technology Policy Section, UNCTAD

  1. Q&A session (10 mins)

         All participants

  1. Concluding remarks by UNCTAD (5 mins)

         Mr. Angel Gonzalez-Sanz, Chief, Science, Technology and ICT Branch, Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD            

The event is open to everyone. Registration required.

UNCTAD and Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa

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