The availability of a database for trade and biodiversity is of paramount importance, as data has always been the missing factor in tracking the importance of biodiversity-based products in achieving global biodiversity goals and targets, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Aichi, and post-Aichi targets.
The webinar will present the important work done by the UNCTAD BioTrade Initiative in collaboration with the UNCTAD Statistics Service and the new product produced together: the Trade and Biodiversity (TraBio) Statistical Tool. The tool has been developed in the context of UNCTAD’s Global BioTrade Programme “Linking trade, biodiversity and sustainable development”, funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
Over 1,800 biodiversity-based products
The TraBio Statistical Tool integrates lessons learned from UNCTAD’s vast experience in supporting developing countries with its expertise in trade-related issues. It addresses the need for complete and comprehensive data on products with a biological origin.
Previously, such data was scattered and sparse. Now, for the first time, it is compiled in one place and presented in a way that facilitates its analysis in relation to biodiversity-related issues.
The tool offers comprehensive trade-related data on over 1,800 biodiversity-based products and indicators, and will thus facilitate the work of governments, researchers and other stakeholders to develop their activities and meet their reporting obligations on targets under the SDGs and in the post-2020 global biodiversity context. In addition, this information provides inputs into other national and international processes including those led by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), in particular the national biodiversity strategies and action plans.
The event will present the different components of the TraBio tool, their contents and usage, showcasing the tool’s importance in monitoring and tracking progress on global biodiversity goals.
How to participate
The event targets policymakers, practitioners and other stakeholders working on trade and biodiversity.
It will be held on Zoom and is open to the public. But registration is required.


- Webinar on Biodiversity and Trade Statistics (Mekong region, India and Europe)
- Seminario web sobre: Estadísticas de Comercio y Biodiversidad