MEFMI-UNCTAD Advanced Users Training on DMFAS and IT Administration

17 - 21 September 2018
, Zimbabwe

The Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI) and the UNCTAD DMFAS have an ongoing collaboration.

In an effort to avail modern, efficient and relevant tools for public debt management, UNCTAD has constantly been upgrading the Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) in line with new practices in debt management, advances in computer IT technology and the needs of DMOs. To ensure that member countries fully adopt the enhancements and new functionalities of the DMFAS, MEFMI is collaborating with UNCTAD in organising a regional workshop to equip debt management officials with knowledge and skills required for the effective use of the DMFAS.

It is critical to continue update/refresh skills and build a critical mass of experts that can be available for use in future capacity building initiatives in the region.


Objectives of the training:

  • To train users on the modules and functionalities of the latest DMFAS version;To train users on the modules and functionalities of the latest DMFAS version.

  • To share experience in the area of building interfaces between DMFAS and other public financial management systems.

  • To contribute to the widening of the regional pool of qualified DMFAS users.To contribute to the widening of the regional pool of qualified DMFAS users.

During a separate session, in parallel to the main course, the workshop will provide training for database/system administrators on installation and maintenance of the DMFAS.

A specific session will also be included to discuss best practices and regional experiences in building interfaces between DMFAS and other public financial management systems.

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Gabor Piski
DMFAS Project Manager