National seminar: Who is benefiting from trade liberalization in Angola? A gender perspective

21 November 2013
Ministry of Trade, Palácio de Vidro, Largo 4 de Fevereiro 3
Luanda, Angola
, Angola

A national seminar on trade and gender will be held in Luanda, Angola, on the 21st of November of 2013 as part of the project "Enhancing Capacities of the Republic of Angola to mainstream gender in Trade Policy".

The workshop will provide the opportunity to present the findings of the study Who is benefiting from trade liberalization in Angola? A gender perspective.

The study analyzes the ways in which trade policies and the patterns of structural transformation have had an impact on women in Angola, and it explores possible strategies to encourage the inclusion of gender considerations in trade policy formulation and implementation.  The workshop will bring together policy makers, trade negotiators and national stakeholders, and will provide them with the opportunity to share ideas and best practices on how to ensure that trade becomes more instrumental to the achievement of inclusive development and that all segments of the population, including women, benefit from it.

Previous national workshops on trade and gender were held in Maseru, Lesotho (December 2012), in Praia, Cape Verde (September 2012) and in Thimphu, Bhutan (May 2011).

The Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Family and Women Promotion of the Republic of Angola
Sponsor / funding:
The project “Enhancing capacities of the Republic of Angola to mainstream gender in trade policy” was financed by the Government of Norway.

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