On 22 December 2015 the General Assembly adopted the revised United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection in resolution 70/186, and decided to establish an intergovernmental group of experts on consumer protection law and policy under the auspices of UNCTAD, making it the global hub on consumer protection.
The Guidelines contain a specific chapter on e-commerce, showing the unanimous interest from Member States in establishing optimal legal and institutional frameworks. Additionally, on 24 March, the OECD Council adopted the OECD's revised Recommendation on Consumer Protection in Ecommerce, which provide modernised standards addressing a number of developments in ecommerce since the Recommendation was first adopted in 1999.
This session will look into the new international framework for consumer protection in the digital environment, and the expectations and priorities international organizations and other international bodies should address in fulfilling their respective mandate.
Mr. Guillermo Vallès, Director, Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities, UNCTAD
Cécile Barayre, Economic Affairs Officer, ICT Analysis Section, UNCTAD
Brigitte Acoca, Policy Analyist, OECD
Amanda Long, Director General, Consumers International
Juliana Pereira da Silva, Secretaria Nacional do Consumidor, Brazil (remote participation)
Melinda Claybough, Counsel for International Consumer Protection in the Federal Trade Commission's Office of International Affairs, US Federal Trade Commission