Pilot Training Workshop for Strengthening Technical Competency for Consumer Protection in ASEAN

27 - 31 July 2015
ASEAN Secretariat Headquarters
, Indonesia

UNCTAD and ASEAN secretariats will launch the pilot workshop for validation of the first drafts of training materials in the area of sectoral consumer protection enforcement.  The workshop will last for 5 days, where breakout sessions will look into the different sections of the five sets of training materials prepared by UNCTAD ad-hoc consultants during the period of April-July 2015.
The UNCTAD–ASEAN project addresses the need for improved technical competencies and institutional capacity within consumer protection agencies in ASEAN and builds a critical mass of consumer protection trainers who are able to contribute in raising the level of compliance with consumer protection laws and regulations.
The project builds/strengthens capacity of government agency personnel through the design, development and delivery of training programs, including modular components or materials, focusing on the technical requirements provisionally involving 6 core areas, as identified in the "Road-mapping Capacity Building Needs in Consumer Protection in ASEAN" project.  These areas are:
1)       Product safety and labelling;
2)       Phone and internet services, and e-commerce;
3)       Consumer credit and banking;
4)       Environment;
5)       Healthcare services; and
6)       Professional services. 
Conduction of the pilot workshop for validation (PWV) of the first drafts of training materials in the area of sectoral consumer protection enforcement in particular 1) Product safety and labelling; 2) Phone and internet services, and e-commerce; 3) Consumer credit and banking; 4) Environment; and 5) Professional services.
The workshop will last for 5 days (27-31 July 2015) where breakout sessions will look into the different sections of the 5 sets of training materials prepared by UNCTAD ad-hoc consultants during the period of April-July 2015
The PWV is an essential exercise of this project in order to ensure that the training materials produced will be used by AMS enforcers on a daily basis. In this regard, the six focused areas will be organised as follows in order to create synergies and cross-fertilization between modules and experts.
The first cluster of topics would be:
-        Phone, Internet services and E-Commerce
-        Financial Services
-        Professional Services
The second cluster would be:
-        Product Safety and Labelling
-        Health care services
-        Environment
The first part of the PWV would be devoted to cover the first cluster of topics and the remaining part of the week would be covering the second cluster.
In addition, each session of the PWV will be carefully prepared by UNCTAD and its relevant ad-hoc consultant in order to ensure active participation of the participants and maintain a horizontal dialogue between the facilitators and the AMS experts. As AMS varied between most advanced jurisdictions and less advanced ones, UNCTAD and its Ad-hoc consultants will take into account this circumstance to avoid “monopolization” of the PWV by only more advanced AMS. 
Expected outcomes include:
·         Interactive discussion between ASEAN experts and UNCTAD ad-hoc consultants in order to validate the first drafts prepared to cover the 5 focused areas. A presentation on health care services will also be delivered in order to finalise the draft concerning this particular area.
·         Exchange of experiences between more advanced ASEAN countries with less advanced ones. The importance of CASE (Singapore)’s attendance will be highly appraised by the ASEAN participants given the specific expertise on the areas focused of the project.
UNCTAD expert:
Mr. Pierre Horna
Manager of the UNCTAD-ASEAN Project on Consumer Protection - Legal Affairs Officer of the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
UNCTAD Ad-hoc consultants:
Allan Asher (Australia)
Consultant responsible to draft the training materials on Professional Services
Anthony Chiu (Philippines)
Consultant responsible to draft the training materials on Environment
Carl Buik (Australia)
Consultant responsible to draft the training materials on Phone and Internet services, and E-commerce.
Justin Malbon (Australia)
Consultant responsible to draft the training materials on Consumer Credit and Banking
Luke Nottage  (Australia)
Consultant responsible to draft the training materials on Product Safety and Labelling
27 Jul 2015
ASEAN Secretariat
Sponsor / funding:
ASEAN Secretariat (Australian Aid)

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Pierre Horna
Legal Affairs Officer
T: +41 225480728