Policy Dialogue: Science, technology and innovation for enterprise development: Innovating on the digital frontier

05 December 2018
10:00-13:00 hrs., Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

​Agenda Item 5 of the Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission
(3–7 December 2018)


Science, technology and innovation are important means of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  This is because of their potential  to drive  innovative entrepreneurship that delivers growth and productive employment. 

Networks of dynamic, innovative firms are also a key feature of successful productive diversification and industrialization strategies. Therefore, the development of science, technology and innovation capabilities among firms and entrepreneurs should be a focus of attention for policymakers.

Under agenda item 5, the Commission will hold a policy dialogue focused on the relationship between science, technology and innovation policies and policies to support enterprise development.

Experiences and lessons learned in designing and implementing policies to promote the emergence and growth of innovative entrepreneurship will be considered, with a special focus on measures to address the constraints faced by entrepreneurs developing products or services relevant for the Sustainable Development Goals, to promote networking and clustering of innovative firms and to leverage opportunities for digital entrepreneurship.




28 Nov 2018

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