Preparatory Committee for UNCTAD XI: Hearing with the civil society and the private sector

23 February 2004
12:00 - 11:59 hrs.

The second Hearing will take the form of an interactive debate and will provide an opportunity for dialogue and exchange of views among representatives of UNCTAD´s member States and representatives of civil society, parliamentarians and the private sector on issues relevant to the subthemes of UNCTAD XI:

  • Development strategies in a globalizing world economy;
  • Building productive capacity and international competitiveness;
  • Assuring development gains from the international trading system and trade Negotiations; and
  • Partnerships for development.

It will also provide an opportunity for civil society and the private sector to share their views on critical issues and areas of concern, to make concrete proposals and contribute effectively to the discussions of the themes.

The outcome of the Hearing will be finalized as a summary report of the Preparatory Committee for UNCTAD XI.

(TD(XI)/PC/INF.2) -  29 Feb 2004

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