Private Actors as Leaders in Conserving and Using Biodiversity Sustainably

24 November 2009
, Switzerland

​This workshop was organized in the framework of the FOEN funded project: Contribution to further the implementation of CBD COP 9 Decisions IX/6 Incentive measures and IX/26 Promoting business engagement by supporting the dissemination of businesses cases and practices lead by the private sector. This project is being implemented by the BioTrade Initiative of UNCTAD.

The workshop "Private actors as leaders in conserving and using biodiversity sustainably" created a platform to share experiences, challenges and opportunities, with a special focus on incentive measures that promote private sector engagement in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. In addition, it also provided concrete inputs and recommendations to the CBD and other biodiversity-related MEAs, especially for the International Year of Biodiversity (2010) and the 10th COP to the CBD.

Participants were coming from the a variety of sectors, including BioTrade practitioners at the country level, CBD focal points and Secretariat, NGOs, IGOs, companies, as well as other biodiversity-related MEAs, UNEP and UNCTAD. The event was held on the 24 November 2009 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

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