Publication launch: Information Economy Report 2012

28 November 2012

IER 2012The Information Economy Report 2012: The Software Industry and Developing Countries is the seventh edition in the flagship series published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). As one of the few annual reports that monitor global trends related to information and communication technologies (ICTs) from a development perspective, the Report is a valuable reference for policymakers.

In the 2012 edition, which will be launched worldwide on 28 November 2012, special attention is given to the role of software capabilities in accelerating progress towards a more inclusive information society.

Issues addressed:

  • What are the links between software capabilities and development?
  • What are the global and regional trends in production, spending, trade, investment, venture capital and employment in the software sector?
  • How are software production patterns affected by the evolving ICT landscape, with widespread uptake of mobile applications (apps), improved broadband connectivity and greater reliance on cloud computing?
  • What are the trends in free and open source software?
  • How does the market orientation of software production in developing countries impact on economic development?
  • What can governments and their development partners do better to leverage software for development and strengthen the national software system?

The Information Economy Report 2012 emphasizes that ICT trends are creating better opportunities for developing countries to develop indigenous software capabilities. The Report makes a strong case for the social and economic benefits to be gained from leveraging software skills in the domestic market – in the private and public sectors.

The Report contains the following chapters: 1) Software for development; 2) Software trends; 3) Software market orientation: selected cases 4) The role of free and open source software; 5) Policies to enable national software systems; and 6) Conclusions and policy recommendations.

Case studies include:

  • Software developments in the BRIC countries
  • Nigeria’s new software strategy
  • The emerging Android ecosystem in Sri Lanka
  • The Malaysian Public Sector Open Source Software Programme
  • The eGovFrame platform of the Republic of Korea
  • Software for sustainable development in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  • The Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa
  • Global survey of national IT/software associations
  • Locally developed software to improve farmers’ access to information in Bangladesh
  • Software promotion in Argentina

A Statistical Annex of the Report provides international data on software spending, exports and employment.

[The Report is under embargo until 5 p.m. GMT on 28 November 2012]
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