Regional Course on Key Issues on the International Economic Agenda for Countries with Economies in Transition

16 May - 03 June 2016
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics
, Serbia

The course will focus on the links between trade, investment, finance and development, including in the context of international trade negotiations.

Its aims are as follows:

  • To enhance understanding of the relationship between these areas and their link to country development strategies;

  • To provide participants with knowledge and skills that will prepare them for the art of trade negotiation, as well as for the design and implementation of trade and development policies. These tools are designed to meet the needs and interests of their countries.

The course syllabus will draw on the perspective of UNCTAD, its analytical work and lessons learned from its technical cooperation activities and will be enriched by the competence and expertise of representatives of the Economic Commission for Europe. Serbia experts will also share the country's experience in promoting and managing trade, investment, finance and development.

The course is aimed primarily at mid-level government officers in ministries and institutions dealing with trade, investment, finance, technology and development issues and who are involved in the formulation and implementation of national trade and development policies. Depending on the availability of places, other applicants, such as university academics, could be considered.

States members of UNCTAD from countries with economies in transition are invited to present the names and e-mail addresses of qualified candidates to the secretariat by 18 March 2016 through their permanent missions in Geneva. The candidates will be contacted to complete an application online by the same date. It is therefore advisable that this information be submitted as soon as possible.

Member States of successful candidates will be notified of the decision of the UNCTAD selection committee by 25 March 2016.

Hosted by the University of Belgrade with the support of the Serbian Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications.

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Nominations should be addressed to:
 Mr. Mohan Panicker, Project Coordinator
 Knowledge Development Branch
 Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD
 Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10
 Fax: 41 22 917 0050