Seminar on the Harmonization of Electronic Commerce Laws in ECOWAS (by invitation only)

23 - 24 March 2015
, Switzerland

As part of the UNCTAD E-Commerce Week, UNCTAD's Division on Technology and Logistics will run a Seminar on the Harmonization of Electronic Commerce Laws in ECOWAS. More than forty delegates from member States are expected to attend and stay on to take part in the official launch of the Information Economy Report 2015: Unlocking the Potential of E-commerce for Developing Countries on 24 March at 4pm, and the Expert Meeting on Cyberlaws and Regulations for Enhancing E-commerce from 25 to 27 March.

This seminar will feature presentations and discussions on the current state of e-commerce laws in ECOWAS. It will provide a platform for about forty representatives of ECOWAS to discuss ways and best practices to facilitate the implementation at the national level of existing regional legal frameworks on electronic transactions, cybercrime and the protection of personal data. It will also address other areas such as consumer protection, taxation, capacity building and regional cooperation following the recommendations made by Member countries during the two workshops held in 2013.
The seminar is part of the capacity building activities organized for the period 2013-2015 by UNCTAD to assist ECOWAS member countries to develop harmonized legislation on electronic commerce. Two online trainings on the legal aspects of e-commerce were organized during the period for 380 policy and law makers and two regional workshops gathered 45 representatives from ECOWAS member States.
The UNCTAD project in the ECOWAS region is funded by the United Nations Development Account and the Government of Finland.


ECOWAS Commission
Sponsor / funding:
Government of Finland and United Nations Development Account

English  |    


Cécile Barayre-El Shami
ICT Analysis Section/STICT
T. +41 22 917 5369
Dominique Chantrel
HRD Section/TrainForTrade/KDB
T. +41 22 917 2187