Seminar on Preferential Rules of Origin

20 - 21 May 2014
Pullman Hanoi, 40 Cat Linh Street
, Viet Nam

Government officials responsible for preferential rules of origin are facing with the challenge of effectively applying the rules in practice and managing the origin certification and verification systems. This is important as the failure to comply with these rules can result in commercial losses for both importers and exporters.

Against this backdrop, the Seminar will bring together Vietnamese government officials and stakeholders dealing with rules of origin applicable under preferential trade arrangements, such as Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), as well as free trade agreements being negotiated and concluded by the country, such as those with Japan. The objective is to raise awareness, and promote better understanding, among the participants on substantive rules and customs procedures applicable to Vietnamese exports under such preferential trade arrangements, so that the country can make best use of trading opportunities available under these schemes.

The activity is part of UNCTAD's technical cooperation project "Assistance to countries of the Asian region on MFN and preferential tariff negotiations and GSP utilization" financed by the Government of Japan and implemented in cooperation with Japan Customs.

The seminar is a follow-up activity to the regional seminar held in in June 2013 in Tokyo, Japan, which gathered officials from 6 Asian countries (India, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam) and aims to disseminate relevant insights at the national level.

Ministry of Industry and Trade, Viet Nam
Sponsor / funding:
Government of Japan

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