Short courses on key issues on the international economic agenda for delegates from Permanent Missions in Geneva (Second semester 2017)

02 October 2017
10:00-13:00 hrs., Room XXVI of the Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

Gender and trade within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
[Delivered by the Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities]


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development takes a holistic approach to tackling the challenges of sustainable development and prioritizes gender equality as a standalone goal and a cross-cutting issue, without which the overarching aims of the Agenda cannot be realized. In this regard, policy decisions should harness the interlinkages among the Sustainable Development Goals.

There is a nexus between trade policy and gender equality. Trade and trade liberalization policies tend to affect men and women differently. Such policies yield important redistributive effects within the economy, which can either magnify or reduce existing disparities among groups, including between men and women.

A full understanding among policymakers and other stakeholders of the nexus between economic policies - between trade policy and gender equality in particular - can contribute to a more effective and gender-sensitive implementation of the Agenda.

The objective of the course is to deepen the awareness of country representatives of the relationship between trade and gender and to improve their ability to analyse it, as well as to contribute to a gender-sensitive implementation of the Agenda in their respective countries and regions.

In addition, the course will help identify the channels through which trade has an impact on women's economic empowerment and well-being, and those through which gender inequality affects trade performance and competitiveness.

The presentations will use as illustrations country experiences and will share good practices and lessons learned.

As Governments and other stakeholders continue to implement the Agenda, it will be useful to discuss how actions in the trade field can help close gaps in implementation, particularly with regard to structural barriers to gender equality.

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Ms. Randa Jamal
Project Coordinator, Knowledge Development Branch
T.: 41 22 917 2718;