Sixth course of the INDECOPI-UNCTAD/COMPAL School on Competition and Consumer Protection: investigative techniques for competition

13 - 17 November 2017
Escuela Nacional del INDECOPI
, Peru

​In the framework of UNCTAD's COMPAL Programme, UNCTAD in partnership with the Peruvian competition and consumer protection agency (INDECOPI), is organising the sixth course of the INDECOPI-COMPAL School on investigative techniques for competition in Latin America. This one week face-to-face course will bring together officials from over eleven Latin American beneficiary countries, and will be complemented by national replication in their home agencies.

UNCTAD's COMPAL Programme targets regional integration across competition and consumer protection matters among its members. One of the most successful member agencies, INDECOPI provides courses to its civil servants through its own national school. The INDECOPI-COMPAL School aims to provide officials at the operational level of its beneficiary countries with high quality training on issues of common interest. It aims at ensuring a multiplier effect through training of trainers and is also committed to permanent and continuous evaluation of its impact in fostering sustainable development.
The sixth course of the INDECOPI-COMPAL School will be devoted to investigative techniques for competition. The course will have two phases: a one week, face-to-face intensive training course from 13 to 17 November 2017 in Lima, and a distance learning phase to ensure replication of the course by participating officials in their home agencies.
Each beneficiary may send up to two officials. Participating countries are: Argentina, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.
The one week intensive course will be delivered by: Mr. Germán Coloma, Director of Economic and Legal Studies of the Argentinian Competition Authority; Ms. Livia Dias de Melo, Coodinatori fo the Superintendence of CADE-Brazil; Mr. Jesús Espinoza, Secretary for Competition of INDECOPI-Peru, Mr. Alberto Herrera, Expert of the Spanish Competition Authority, and Mr. Juan Luís Crucelegui, Chief of Capacity Building and Advisory Services of Competition and Consumer Policies Branch of UNCTAD.
The distance learning phase will be supervised by two national experts in consumer protection and pedagogy to ensure participants can replicate the course.
All participants will be expected to learn both theory and practice, share the experiences they have had in their home agencies and replicate the face-to-face course.
10 Nov 2017
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13 Nov 2017
13 Nov 2017

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