Last July 15, 2021, the ALDC conducted a specialized Rules of Origin training for Cambodian negotiators. The virtual workshop was attended by 40 government officials as well as constituents from the ARISE Plus Project. The training is part of a series of workshop in building technical capacities of LDCs, especially the ASEAN LDCs, in negotiating with preference giving countries in upholding and implementing the Nairobi Decision.
During this training, UNCTAD discussed the rules of origin articles in the context of Cambodia-China FTA (CCFTA) as well as the respective the product specific rules of origin. The analysis looked at how the current RoO articles can be improved vis-a-vis to the current best practices employed by other FTAs. Further, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) PSROs were also introduced and were compared with the PSROs of CCFTA to illustrate how Cambodia would be able to effectively access Chinese markets, especially with their agricultural products.
Least developed countriesProject
Mr. Stefano Inama
Chief, Enhanced Integrated Framework
Divison for Africa, LDCs and special programmes