Stakeholders workshop on draft competition policy for Zimbabwe

02 September 2015
Rainbow Towers Hotel
, Zimbabwe

UNCTAD, in collaboration with the Competition and Tariff Commission of Zimbabwe, is organizing a stakeholder's workshop on the draft competition policy for Zimbabwe.

The workshop is part of a Trade and Private Sector Development Project, funded by the European Union.

The objective of this event is to create awareness and understanding among stakeholders on the draft competition policy and to accord them an opportunity to discuss the draft policy text.

It will also be an opportunity to enhance their knowledge on the benefits of competition policy and law on the one hand and will also serve as a forum for exchange of views and networking among stakeholders on issues partaking to market based policy developments in the Zimbabwe.

The officials of Competition and Tariff Commission of Zimbabwe will present their views and comments on the draft policy and will be part of the discussions, sharing their competition law enforcement in the absence of a competition policy and the challenges thereof.

The expected outcome of this mission will be a better understanding of the competition principles among stakeholders as it relates to competition Policy and other market-based policies and its contribution to the development process of Zimbabwe.

The output of this mission will be an all-inclusive draft competition policy with stakeholders input and a raised awareness of the role of competition policy and law stakeholders in Harare.

Mrs. Elizabeth Gachuiri, the Project Officer and Mr. Yves Kenfack, Economic Affairs Officer from UNCTAD will participate in this activity and facilitate the discussions.

31 Aug 2015
Competition and Tariff Commission of Zimbabwe
Sponsor / funding:
European Union Project

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