Training Workshop for the Commissioners of the Zambian Competition Commission

05 - 06 July 2012
, Switzerland

The Training Workshop will provide training modules on the basics of competition law highlighting issues such as governance, anticompetitive practices, merger control provisions, agency effectiveness and competition advocacy.
Following trade liberalization and privatization policies that started in 1980s, competition law enforcement and consumer protection matters have become an important aspect of the economic reforms, which have been undertaken by African countries. In this context, Zambia introduced their competition laws in the mid-1990s, aiming at the promotion of competition law enforcement to ensure that the benefits expected to arise from liberalization and regional integration process were not nullified by anti-competitive practices.
The New Competition and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 require upgrading of skills within the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission of Zambia to deal with the new provisions and re-orient the enforcement techniques to meet the challenges of implementation of the law.
Purpose of the event
The Training Workshop aims at bringing together the Commissioners from Zambia Competition and Consumer Protection Commission in order to discuss the role of competition law and policy for economic development and consumer protection, to provide training modules on the basic concepts of competition law, and to understand their needs. Through this Training Workshop, further elements of Competition law will be discussed, looking at the role of commissioners within the context of Competition law and practice.
Commissioners and staff from the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission of Zambia.
Mr. Carl Buik, Consultant
  • Mr. Hassan Qaqaya, Chief, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
  • Mr. Yves Kenfack, Economic Affairs Officer, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
  • Ms. Elizabeth Gachuiri, Legal Affairs Officer, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
  • Ms. Ebru Gökçe, Legal Officer, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
  • Ms. Ulla Schwager, Legal Officer, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
  • Mr. Sangmin, Expert, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
05 Jul 2012

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Elizabeth Gachuiri
Tel: +41 22 917 5775
Fax: +41 22 917 0247