Training Workshop for Indonesian Diplomats posted in Africa and the Middle East

28 May 2009
Cape Town
, South Africa

UNCTAD's training programme on investment promotion for diplomats is intended to help developing countries to use their diplomatic corps effectively for investment promotion.

This workshop in Cape Town is the third in a series for Indonesian diplomats.

• In November 2006, a similar training was conducted in Geneva, Switzerland, for Indonesian diplomats stationed in Europe.

• In April 2007, 40 Indonesian diplomats posted throughout the Americas participated in an UNCTAD training workshop on investment promotion at the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, D.C.

This workshop has been specifically designed to:

1. Sensitise Indonesian diplomats on the importance of FDI for development and the role of investment promotion. BKPM provided information on Indonesia’s current investment policies and UNCTAD on the latest FDI trends, the importance of a conducive investment environment, investment promotion practices and the role of diplomats in investment promotion.

2. Present tools, techniques and best practices in investment promotion for Indonesian diplomats showing the synergies between traditional diplomatic work and investment promotion.

3. Provide diplomats with tools to organize their investment promotion work.​

28 May 2009

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UNCTAD Investment Promotion Section