Training Workshops on Competition Law and Policy for Judges and Prosecutors for the Costa Rican Supreme Court

11 November 2013
Auditorium of the Supreme Court of Costa Rica
San Jose, Costa Rica
, Costa Rica


In close cooperation with Competition Authority of Costa Rica, UNCTAD organizes a National workshop for Judges and Prosecutors.
The National Workshop for Judges falls within UNCTAD's COMPAL Programme and its framework of institutional capacity building for effective competition law and policy enforcement for Latin America.
Given the importance of updating the judges as regards the new competition law passed in 2012 in Costa Rica, the training workshop will be focusing on four main topics related to the impact of economics on competition law enforcement, the multidisciplinary approach of judges, the standard of proof and sanctions as well as remedies. A practical case on indirect evidence is also presented at the last part of the day.
The principal objective is to familiarize High-Court and Supreme Court judges with both the economics underpinning national competition laws and how this combines with the legal approach to enforcing competition policy in order to promote smooth and effective enforcement of competition legislation in line with competition policy objectives in their respective countries.
Experts drawn from a judicial, academic and competition enforcement background from Colombia, Spain and UNCTAD will conduct the training (detailed information about the experts can be found in the attached work programmes in Spanish version). The Experts will guide the sessions, but discussions are encouraged and participants are free to express their opinions and raise case specific issues.
The expected outcomes of the workshop include:
  • Better understanding of how the direct and indirect economic evidence should be handled in assessing competition cases. 
  • Need to organise in-depth course on economic evidence for second edition of the workshops for 2014.
Participants: Judges of higher courts and civil judges who revise the rulings of the Competition Authority.
UNCTAD contact:
·         Juan Luis Crucelegui. Deputy Head. Competition and Consumer Policies Branch, DITC
·         Pierre Horna, Officer in Charge of the COMPAL Programme, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch, DITC


COPROCOM (National Competition Authority)
Sponsor / funding:
UNCTAD's COMPAL Programme National Component Account.

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