UN Expert Group meeting on the Compilers Guide for statistics of international trade in services

25 - 28 June 2013
09:00-17:30 hrs., Room XXVII, Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

The meeting, organized jointly by UNCTAD and the WTO, will be attended by about 40 experts of international agencies, national statistical offices and central banks of developed and developing countries.


At the time of the adoption of the revised international recommendations for statistics of international trade in services in 2010, the United Nations Statistical Commission requested that compilation guidance be made available, especially for the developing countries. For this purpose the UN Statistics Division established in December 2011 a UN Expert Group, which is mandated to support the development of the Compilers Guide of MSITS 2010.

UN Expert Group is composed of experts from 10 developed and 10 developing countries plus experts from the international agencies.

A draft Compilers Guide of MSITS 2010 has been compiled by the UN Expert Group and national experts. The current draft consists of 22 chapters with more than 300 pages of text.

Objectives of the meeting:

  1. Review and complete the draft Compilers Guide of MSITS 2010.

  2. Ensure a developing country perspective in the Compilers Guide.

  3. Devote special attention to the Modes of Supply framework.

  4. Provide guidance on promoting the use of the Compilers Guide for the implementation of the recommendations contained in MSITS 2010 in the national statistical systems.

The Compilers Guide of MSITS 2010 will be presented to the United Statistical Commission at its forty fifth sessions in 2014.


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