UNCTAD and Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment Conference on Investment Treaty Reform

10 - 11 November 2015
08:30-17:30 hrs., Faculty House, Columbia University
New York

10th Annual Columbia International Investment Conference:
Investment Treaty Reform: Reshaping Economic Governance in the Era of Sustainable Development


UNCTAD and the Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment co-organize the Tenth Annual Columbia International Investment Conference “Investment Treaty Reform: Reshaping Economic Governance in the Era of Sustainable Development”, taking place on November 10-11 at Columbia University.

The Conference builds upon the findings and recommendations of UNCTAD's World Investment Report 2015: Reforming International Investment Governance (WIR 2015), which tackles the key challenges in international investment protection and promotion, including the right to regulate, investor-state dispute settlement, and responsible investment.

Along the lines of the WIR 2015's Roadmap for IIA Reform, which provides a menu of options and guidance for policymakers at the national, bilateral, regional and multilateral levels, the Conference reviews the practical steps countries have taken to reshape their international investment agreements (IIAs) and the issues, processes and possible next steps for governments pursuing further IIA review and reform.

More information on the event >>>

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