UNCTAD and UNDP Angola organize a workshop on Productive Capacities and Poverty Reduction in Luanda

29 April - 03 May 2013
Ministry of Trade, Luanda, Angola
, Angola

​UNCTAD’s TrainForTrade Programme* and Division on Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programs (ALDC), together with UNDP Angola, will hold a workshop in Luanda on the theme "Productive Capacities, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in LDCs: The Example of Angola." This workshop is a follow-up to the seminar that was held in November 2009 on the same theme. 

The first seminar was organized within the framework of the TrainForTrade Project for Angola, which was funded by the European Commission and implemented from 2007 until 2011. The success of the seminar and the positive feedback from the participants led to a request from the Ministry of Trade for a training workshop that would explore further the relationship between productive capacities, economic growth and poverty reduction in Angola. As a result, TrainForTrade developed this new workshop in collaboration with ALDC to specifically meet the Ministry of Trade’s request. It is being held within the framework of UNDP Angola’s “Growing Sustainable Business” (GSB) project.

*The TrainForTrade Programme is part of the HRD Section, KSTCD Branch of UNCTAD’s Division on Technology and Logistics.

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