UNCTAD BioTrade Initiative - BTFP - Andean BioTrade Programme

20 June 2007
, Ecuador

​Actors from the BioTrade National Programmes and the private sector will discuss and exchange information on UNCTAD BTFP and the Andean BioTrade Programme. The topics addressed by the workshop include:

  • Future activities within the framework of the Andean and Amazon BioTrade Programmes.
  • Concrete results from processes initiated in 2006 by the BTFP, such as the formulation of the Union for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT), guidelines for the equitable sharing of benefits, and the impact and information assessment systems.
  • Proposed work plans and processes already underway in projects belonging to the Andean and Amazon BioTrade Programmes.
  • The second phase of BTFP.

Within this framework, UNCTAD BTFP and the Secretary-General of CAN have invited different actors from the programmes and the private sector to participate in the discussions.

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