UNCTAD Competition Training for the Judiciary of Latin America in Peru; Merger control advocacy events in Peru

06 - 10 May 2019
Indecopi, Pontificia Universidad Catolica of Peru (PUCP), Academy of the Magistracy of Peru (AMAG)
, Peru

​Merger control advocacy events: Unctad organizes on 7 May a round table at INDECOP, the Competition authority of Peru, with the participation of Spanish   Competition Authority' experts, academics and representatives of the private sector. And, UNCTAD organizes another discussion on Merger control in a conference at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica of Peru (PUCP) with the intervention of experts from all sectors of the economy.
Both events seek to raise awareness of the importance of the recent merger control adopted in Peru and to the scope and content of the new law.

Furthermore from 8 to 10 May UNCTAD organizes in collaboration with the Academy of the Magistracy of Peru (AMAG) a training workshop for Latin American judges to discuss merger control, benefitting from the experience of advanced jurisdictions such as Spain and the European Union. The training includes the analysis and discussion of cases with the participants in the light of the new law.
Academy of the Magistracy of Peru (AMAG), INDECOPI
Sponsor / funding:
Academy of the Magistracy of Peru (AMAG), INDECOPI

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