UNCTAD-EIF validation workshop of the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) update of Niger

08 - 09 December 2015
Hotel Soluxe
, Niger

​UNCTAD in partnership with Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF), will hold a validation workshop of the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) update of Niger.

The objective of such study is to update the diagnosis and priorities contained in the DTIS of Niger of 2008, aiming at promoting integration of sub-regional, regional and international trade as well as economic and social development; and to propose an Action Matrix in order to contribute to strengthen the trade capacity of Niger. In particular, nine areas of the DTIS have been updated, including; the macroeconomic framework, foreign trade, business environment, customs, transport, agriculture, livestock, mining, tourism and handicraft.

The workshop will introduce the above-mentioned Action Matrix. It will also address specific issues included on the recommendations such as; the regulatory framework and institutional support for trade development and investment, trade and transport facilitation and, the mining and agricultural sectors.
03 Dec 2015
Gouvernement du Niger
Sponsor / funding:
Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF)

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