UNCTAD-Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Introductory Workshop on Sustainability Reporting Framework

02 November 2015
Room XXV, E. building, Palais des Nations
, Switzerland


Governments and regulatory frameworks are playing an increasingly important role in promoting corporate transparency and accountability.

In this introductory workshop, participants learned how sustainability reports contribute to transparency and accountability and how organizations preparing them are responding to increasing regulatory requirements.

Participants discovered (GRI) Global Reporting Initiative, and how G4 (GRI's Reporting Guidelines) can help organizations to manage their economic, environmental and governance impacts responsibly.

This UNCTAD-GRI Workshop was followed by the Annual accounting workshop (3 November 2015) and the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting - ISAR (4-6 November 2015)

The workshop was targeted to governments officials, international organization representatives, accounting professional bodies and practitioners and ISAR participants.


In 2008 GRI and UNCTAD signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The Program of Cooperation aims to promote greater understanding of, and participation in, the processes that set internationally recognized sustainability reporting standards.

The goal is to foster sustainable development in developing countries and transition economies, and to facilitate investment and business linkages.

Tatiana Krylova
Head of Enterprise Branch, Division on Investment and Enterprise Development
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Her duties among others include supervision and coordination of activities of the United Nations Intergovernmental Working Group on International Accounting and Reporting Standards (ISAR) to assist developing countries and economies in transition to meet international requirements in the area of accounting and reporting. In this regard she leads UNCTAD’s work on formulating and implementation of the Accounting Development Tool (ADT), preparing a guidance on core SDG indicators for entity reporting intended to serve as a tool to assist governments to assess the private sector contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, developing metadata guidance for the SDG indicator 12.6.1 in cooperation with UN Environment, as well as other activities related to corporate financial and non-financial reporting with a view to achieve better quality and international comparability of such reports based on international standards, benchmarks and good practices.

Before joining the United Nations in 2000, she was a partner at KPMG in Moscow where she was in charge of the Methodology department that advised Russian government and companies on transition to IAS/IFRS. She was also a consultant to the World Bank, OECD, EBRD, and other international organizations on accounting and finance issues. In different years she was a member of the Standards Advisory Council of the IASB, of the Education Committee and the Developing Nations Committee of the International Federation of Accountants. She was previously a Professor at Moscow State University teaching accounting and finance and was elected as American Accounting Association Distinguished International Lecturer for 1997.

She holds a PhD degree in accounting from Moscow State University and was a Visiting Fellow at Stanford University, California, in 1992-1993.

Shivani Rajpal
Senior Manager – Training & Coaching Programs

Shivani Rajpal works as a Senior Manager - Training and Coaching Programs and is responsible for services related to training and coaching to support GRI report preparers.

UNCTAD and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

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