UNCTAD Latin America workshop on ICT in enterprises survey module

21 - 22 March 2013
Panama City
, Panama

​Governments that do not have adequate information on how information and communication technologies (ICTs) are used in their productive sectors are at a comparative disadvantage when designing policies. The gap in access to reliable ICT data can be seen as another illustration of the “digital divide”.

This workshop on information economy statistics is a follow-up to an expert meeting held in June 2012, in Rio de Janeiro, where UNCTAD provided advisory services. During that meeting, the working group reviewed and agreed on a model module on ICT use by enterprises that Latin American countries could include in business surveys and produce relevant data on the information economy.

The workshop will introduce the module to 18 Latin American countries and train them on the statistical issues related to its implementation. The aim is to produce comparable data and indicators on the information economy for the region, in order to support regional and national ICT policies. The data will ultimately be disseminated through UNCTAD and the Observatory for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (OSILAC), hosted by UN ECLAC.

The workshop is financed by UNCTAD, with the support of Sweden, represented by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida). It will be hosted by the Panama national statistical office (INEC), which is part of the Contraloría General de la República. The national statistical office of the Dominican Republic collaborated in the organization, as coordinators of the ICT measurement working group of the Statistical Conference of the Americas.