UNCTAD/ MEA Workshop: Biodiversity and the Global Market Economy

14 - 15 November 2006
, Switzerland

​On 14 and 15 November 2006, UNCTAD held a strategic workshop bringing together relevant experts from the Secretariats of the biodiversity-related conventions and partner organisations. The workshop entitled, “Biodiversity and the Global Market Economy”, took place in the nineteenth century Villa le Bocage located at UNCTAD’s headquarters in Geneva (pictured right). This provided the perfect setting for informal discussions on the challenges and opportunities faced by the different Secretariats in implementing the Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) within the context of the global market economy.

UNCTAD BioTrade is deeply involved in implementing biodiversity objectives in this very context. With the support it offers to governments through the BioTrade National Programmes, and its close collaboration with the private sector to implement the BioTrade Principles and Criteria, the BioTrade Initiative was in the unique position to facilitate discussions among the MEA Secretariats and encourage cooperation on such issues.

The two-day workshop began with presentations from each of the participants representing the efforts and challenges faced regarding the areas of private sector engagement, incentive measures and international trade. More in-depth discussions followed, building on these key areas. The workshop came to a close with a decision to create an ad-hoc informal working group to exchange experiences on issues of biodiversity and the global market economy.

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