UNCTAD side-event at the Global South-South Development Expo 2022

UNCTAD side-event at the Global South-South Development Expo 2022
13 September 2022
14:20 - 15:35 hrs. Room MR-H, United Nations Conference Centre
, Thailand

Measuring South-South cooperation to mobilize financing for SDGs

The session will inform governments and other stakeholders of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicator 17.3.1 on "additional financial resources mobilized for developing countries from multiple sources", adopted in March 2022.

It will also spearhead dialogue to empower Southern countries to report their own data for global debates related to development support and consider how the indicator will help manage and mobilize resources for the recovery from the pandemic and progress towards the 2030 Agenda.

The SDG indicator is based on the first globally agreed voluntary Conceptual Framework to Measure South-South cooperation.

UNCTAD is organizing this session as part of its role to coordinate future testing and refinement of the framework, and global reporting and capacity building based on it.

The work will be carried out under the leadership of Southern countries relying on country-owned mechanisms. Countries will share their experience and expectations.


  • Opening by UNCTAD Secretary-General
    Ms. Rebeca Grynspan, UNCTAD Secretary General

  • Moderator 
    Mr. Rachid Bouhia, Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD 

  • New SDG indicator – central for progress towards the SDGs
    Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director of UN Statistics Division, UNDESA

  • Conceptual framework on South-South Cooperation
    Mr. Sukhbir Singh, Chair of the IAEG-SDGs subgroup on SSC, India

  • National mechanisms for South-South cooperation
    Mr. Aminuddin Mat Ariff, Senior Coordinator of Regional Cooperation, Islamic Development Bank

  • Country experience in the measurement of South-South cooperation
    Mr. Bernardo Córdova Tello, Ambassador of Mexico to Thailand
    Ms. Viviana Manrique, Director General, Agencia Presidencial de Cooperación Internacional, Colombia
    Ms. Andreia Rigueira, Coordinator for Planning and Communications, Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC)
    Mr. William Maundu Munyoli, Senior Economist, State Department for Planning, Kenya 


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About GSSD Expo 2022

The Global South-South Development Expo is an annual event organised by the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) to showcase evidence-based successful development solutions and initiatives, in collaboration with United Nations agencies and all other partners.

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