UNCTAD speaks at the 5th International Conference on Lignocellulosic Ethanol

15 September 2015
11:00 - 21:00 hrs. Thon Hotel EU
, Belgium




​UNCTAD participated at the 5th International Conference on Lignocellulosic Ethanol, an event which seeks to discuss policy issues concerning the development of advanced biofuels around the world. The conference, which included participation of representatives from the European Commission, a number of country delegations and numerous industry leaders, focused on discussions of what could be done to increase markets for second-generation ethanol, which could significantly reduce fears about food versus fuel which currently exist with first-generation, starch and sugar-based ethanol.


UNCTAD participated at the session on commercial project financing, advocating attention for developing countries interested in participating in the 2nd generation ethanol industry, and who possess large biomass endowments which are essential to participate in this emerging market .
Examples of business models were given by the panel members, both in EU and non-EU countries, so as to showcase how companies have been dealing with risks and lack of stable regulatory environments for advanced biofuels.
UNCTAD is currently mapping 2nd generation biofuel projects worldwide, and will publish a report on the subject later in 2015.


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