UNCTAD Webinar Event: "Competition Policy in Times of COVID19: Is there a role for International Cooperation?"

03 June 2020
04:00 - 06:00 hrs. Virtual through ZOOM
The official link for the Webinar is: ZOOM

Despite of the current crisis of COVID-19, international cooperation among competition authorities remains important for member States. Cross-border anticompetitive cases are still taking place. Although the Eighth Review Conference has been postponed to October 2020, the adoption of the Guiding Policies and Procedures under Section F of the UN Set on Competition (GPP) is still expected as a new initiative in this.

Furthermore, competition authorities worldwide are dealing with issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, which is the current global issue in common. One of the sectors heavily impacted by the crisis is the healthcare sector, whereby issues related to the research and development of vaccine, the production and distribution of medical goods, among others, have implications to competition law and policy enforcement issues. In addition, other economic sectors in many countries, particularly developing countries, were affected by the crisis with their respective competition policy considerations.
In view of the above, the UNCTAD Secretariat wishes to host a webinar which can be an opportunity for member States, particularly competition authorities in developing countries, to exchange information and experiences on their measures/activities which have been addressing during the current COVID-19 crisis in various sectors of their economy. This occasion can also review the challenges being faced by competition authorities in coping with this crisis, as well as competition issues and concerns arising post crisis.
The introduction of the Webinar will feature CCPB Head, Teresa Moreira giving opening remarks which will follow with a panel discussion by representatives from Albania, Brazil, Indonesia and South Africa.  A question and answer session will follow with commentators from Austria, Japan, Russia and the United States of America.
Delegates may wish to submit enquiry questions to the panelists and/or commentators.
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