UNCTAD at the WSIS Forum 2019

08 - 12 April 2019
, Switzerland


The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2019 is co-organized by ITU, UNCTAD, UNDP and UNESCO, in close collaboration with all WSIS Action Line Facilitators/Co-Facilitators (UNDESA, FAO, UNEP, WHO, UN Women, WIPO, WFP, ILO, WMO, UN, ITC, UPU, UNODC, and UN Regional Commissions).

It is the world's largest annual gathering of the "ICT for development" community. UNCTAD plays an active role in the high-level segment, as co-facilitator of the action line on e-business, and as panelist at various sessions, as shown in the programme below. Remote participation is possible through the WSIS Forum Website.

During the opening segment on Tuesday 9 April, the UNCTAD Deputy Secretary-General, Ms. Isabelle Durant, addressed the Forum on the issue of digitalization for sustainable development. All stakeholders in the information society and the general public are invited to take part in the WSIS Forum 2019.


8 April


ITU Montbrillant, Room K1

UNCTAD is a panelist at the ISOC session on “Community Networks and Connecting the Last Billion”

(session 143)


ITU Montbrillant, RoomK2

UNCTAD moderates the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development session on “Measurement of Progress Towards the SDGs Through ICT Indicators”

(session 161)

9 April


ITU Tower

UNCTAD attends the High-Level Breakfast Meeting of the UN Group on the Information Society (UNGIS)


CICG, Room 1

The UNCTAD DSG Mrs. Isabelle Durant, addresses the Official Opening Segment

(session 119)

10 April


CICG, Room 1

UNCTAD is a panelist in the Moderated High-Level Policy Session on Digital Economy and Trade

(session 181)

11 April


ITU Montbrillant, Room K2

UNCTAD is a panelist in the “WSIS Regional Group Meeting: emerging technologies with no one left behind in Asia and the Pacific”

(session 318)


ITU Montbrillant, Room H1

UNCTAD is a panelist in the UN Development Programme (UNDP) Session on “Digital Transformation as Sustainable Development Pathway”

(session 310)


ITU Tower, Room C1

UNCTAD is a co-organizer with ITC and UPU, and a panelist, in the session on “Action line C7 on e-business: E-business and financial inclusion as a catalyst for the formalization and growth of MSMEs in developing countries”

(session 234)

12 April


ITU Varembé, Room E

UNGIS Working Level meeting

(session 208)


ITU Montbrillant, Room K1

UNCTAD is a panelist on “Women’s Empowerment for ICT and SDGs”

(session 222)


ITU Tower, Room Popov

UNCTAD will attend the WSIS Action Line Facilitators Meeting and the Closing Ceremony

(session 231)


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