UNCTAD's COMPAL Programme organizes the VII Working Group on Trade and Competition in San Salvador, El Salvador

12 - 13 October 2017
Crowne Plaza Hotel
San Salvador
, El Salvador

​The UNCTAD-SELA Working Group on Trade and Competition is the only forum in the world that jointly addresses the issues of trade and competition.

It has hosted annual conferences since 2010 and its meetings provide an opportunity for trade officials and competition authorities to share policy experiences, identify good practices, find solutions to common problems and collaborate on addressing global challenges in the area of trade and competition.
The Seventh annual meeting of the Working Group on Trade and Competition will address the issues of digitalization and competition and the impact of non-tariff measures on competition.
The meeting will allow for cross-fertilization between competition and trade regimes on issues of common interest such as digitalization and competition and the impact of non-tariff measures on competition. The outcome of the meeting will be a report containing a summary of discussions and of recommendations discussed.
• Juan Luís Crucelegui, Chief of Capacity Building and Advisory Services, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch (CCPB)
• Arnau Izaguerri, Associate Legal Officer, COMPAL Programme, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch (CCPB)
Superintendencia de competencia, El Salvador
Sponsor / funding:
UNCTAD/COMPAL and host country

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