UNCTAD/TrainForTrade and UNDP Angola organize a workshop on Managing Sustainable Tourism Projects

27 May - 07 June 2013
Ministério de Hotelaria e Turismo, Luanda, Angola / Direcção Provincial de Comércio, Hotelaria e Turismo, Benguela, Angola
Luanda and Benguela
, Angola

​UNCTAD/TrainForTrade(TFT)* will deliver its new course on “Managing Sustainable Tourism Projects”. The course will be held in Luanda and in the province of Benguela, Angola.

The course is a continuation of the UNCTAD/TFT course on “Sustainable Tourism for Development”, which was previously delivered in Luanda and Benguela in respectively 2009 and 2011, within the framework of the TrainForTrade Project for Angola.

Through the first course, public officials and private sector operators working in the field of tourism increased their knowledge of the concepts of sustainable tourism, as well as their understanding of the benefits a sustainable approach to tourism could have for the local community. This new course aims to build on the results of the first course and to focus specifically on how to design and implement sustainable tourism projects effectively. 

The course has been organized in collaboration with UNDP Angola and the government of Angola, within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed between UNCTAD and UNDP Angola.

*The TrainForTrade Programme is part of the HRD Section, KSTCD Branch of UNCTAD’s Division on Technology and Logistics.

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