UNCTAD/TrainForTrade delivers Module 8 of its Port Training Programme in Ghana

10 - 14 September 2012
Takoradi Port training room
, Ghana

In collaboration with UNCTAD and Dublin Airport Authority, Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) will train 26 port operators from the local port communities on the final module of the UNCTAD/TrainForTrade Port Training Programme. Module 8, “Technical Management and Human Resources Development”.

The module will be delivered by the Dublin Airport Authority, and senior managers from the local port community, many of whom were trained by UNCTAD/TrainForTrade Training of Trainers (Module 5 to 8) held in Cork, Ireland in May 2012. Participants will improve their abilities to:

• Evaluate the importance of equipment and infrastructure maintenance
• Describe the major tasks of the purchasing department (supply, spare part, etc.)
• Define the goals and principal phases of human resources development policies
•Explain the importance of qualitative and quantitative human resources needs analysis

*TrainForTrade is a programme of the Knowledge Sharing, Training and Capacity Development Branch, in the Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD.

Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority
Sponsor / funding:
Irish Aid

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