UNCTAD/TrainForTrade delivers Modules 7 & 8 of its Port Training Programme in Indonesia

17 - 28 September 2012
, Indonesia

Indonesia Port Corporations (PELINDO), in collaboration with UNCTAD/TrainForTrade and the law firm Campbell Johnston & Clark, will train 19 middle managers from PELINDO I to IV on the last two modules of the UNCTAD/TrainForTrade Port Training Programme, Modules 7 & 8. Module 7, entitled “Administrative and Legal Management”, focuses on subjects such as the sources of port law, the legal status and regulatory functions of port authorities, port police, risk prevention and port insurance.

The module will be lead by Campbell Johnston & Clark. Module 8, entitled “Technical Management and Human Resources Development”, focuses on subjects such as equipment and infrastructure maintenance, the main tasks of the purchasing department, quantitative and qualitative needs analysis and human resources development policies.

This module will be delivered by senior managers from Indonesian port communities, many of whom were recently trained by UNCTAD/TrainForTrade at the Training of Trainers workshop held in Cork, Ireland in May 2012.

*TrainForTrade is a programme of the Knowledge Sharing, Training and Capacity Development Branch, in the Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD.

Indonesia Port Corporations (PELINDO)
Sponsor / funding:
Irish Aid

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